AutosimeYou are mistaken. The Greens are one of the few parties...

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    You are mistaken. The Greens are one of the few parties that are explicit about their policies and they are published on their website. In the case of sexuality and gender identity, there policies are as follow

    The Australian Greens believe that:

    freedom of sexuality and gender identity are fundamental human rights.
    acceptance and celebration of diversity are essential for genuine social justice and equality.
    people have the right to assume their self-identified sex.
    discrimination on the basis of sexuality and gender identity is a significant cause of psychological distress, mental illness and suicide.
    the health needs of all Australians should be provided for without discrimination and with respect and equity.
    The Australian Greens want:

    legal and social environments free from harassment, abuse, vilification, stigmatisation, discrimination, disadvantage or exploitation on the basis of sexuality or gender identity.
    the legalisation of marriage between two consenting adults regardless of sexuality or gender identity.
    de facto relationships to have equal status in law and government policy regardless of sexuality and gender identity.
    access, regardless of sexuality and gender identity, to adoption, fostering, artificial insemination and in vitro fertilisation procedures.
    the education system to provide age-appropriate information about the diversity of sexuality.
    access to the full range of medical and health services required by people with needs related to their sexuality and gender identity.
    The Australian Greens will:

    legislate to remove discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Intersex (LGBTI) people in federal legislation.
    require governments and their agencies to consult with LGBTI communities and representative groups on the development of policies and programs that affect LGBTI people.
    initiate national anti-discrimination public education campaigns.
    legislate to allow marriage regardless of sexuality or gender identity.
    introduce legislation to ensure fair and equal treatment under Commonwealth law of all relationships regardless of sexuality and gender identity.
    support nationally consistent age of consent laws.
    remove convictions for consensual homosexual acts from legal records.
    end the inappropriate application of offensive behaviour, indecent behaviour, 'promotion' and incitement laws to non-heterosexual acts.
    fund services to support and protect LGBTI youth, in particular suicide prevention, peer support, coming out, counselling, and housing services and programs.
    establish intersex as a gender recognised by the legal system.
    support the provision of accurate information, counselling and referral for individuals with, and parents and carers of, infants with intersex conditions.
    support gender assignment for people born with an intersex condition being made only when they are able to express personal sexual identity.
    support the granting of political asylum on humanitarian grounds to people persecuted in their own countries on the basis of their sexuality or gender identity.
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