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AJ I think the cancer is the ECB and the IMF. They want to force...

  1. 17,482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    I think the cancer is the ECB and the IMF. They want to force the entire Greek nation to live in poverty for 20 or thirty years to give them their money plus interest. The EUZ took Greece in and Italy and the PIGS.
    Hungary tossed the IMF/ECB out and they are doing well now.
    The IMF/ECB could easily forgive at least half of the debt and it would not even affect them much at all, but what do they want, they want the Greek people to live in poverty for 20 or 30 years.

    Im all for Greece defaulting, it is the only sane way for Greece.
    Many countries have defaulted over the years and come out of It better off.
    Iceland defaulted a few years ago and now they are much better off, only a very small population but defaulting works the same as chapter 11 or bankruptcy, or in the case of Alan Bond hiding your money overseas and declaring bankruptcy.
    I would not be surprised to Greece begin talks with the BRICS or Russia directly, they ECB would take notice at least.
    Only the bankers or those long on the Greek markets hope for a crushing of the Greek people.
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