CDU 0.00% 23.5¢ cudeco limited

gross profit, page-65

  1. 30,924 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 174
    "I would have thought the 186,060 tonnes grading 3.51% Cu that is still sitting in the pit, would have graded a lot higher going by the Blast hole drilling assays shown on page 28 and 29"

    Whalewatcher, that is almost certainly what the company would hope people would assume. But, if you look at the grades and number of holes, and depths of mineralisation - well:

    There are 169 holes alluded to in that table, from LM170B10098 to LM170B10266. The JORC explanation (p.72) goes to 270, so another 4 holes there for a total of 173. Which ties in nicely with a grid of 16 by 18 holes as indicated by the co-ordinates on p.72.

    All bar one of the 40 holes reported on cover only 5m each, but are drilled to 10m. The other hole covers 10m.

    So we have at least 1730m of blast holes drilled, but they only report on 205m worth, which looks like the top 205m as they are listed in declining order of grade. So there are another 1525m of blast hole drilling at less than 7.79% Cu ..... looks nicely in accordance with the block model and JORC for the jewellery box, IMO.
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