group claims proof sudan lied about darfur

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    Anyone prepared to put a wager that no one from the Arab one from The fact no one.....proposed a condemnation and vote at the UN?

    Anyone care to explain?

    Oh, maybe Kofi might like to propose one?

    Aw shucks....I forgot....He's black....and so are the victims.

    (And there are no Jews/Israelis to point a finger at)


    Group Claims Proof Sudan Lied About Darfur

    1 hour, 25 minutes ago

    By GERALD NADLER, Associated Press Writer

    UNITED NATIONS - A human rights group claimed Monday to have evidence that Sudan has armed, supported and given political cover to Arab militias carrying out what it called "ethnic cleansing" against black Arab tribesmen in the country's western Darfur province.

    Sudan's government has denied any involvement in the militia attacks. But Human Rights Watch said it had proof, and it held a news conference to release summaries of four documents, dated between November 2003 and March 2004 and obtained from the civil administration in Darfur.

    The group refused to release copies of the documents or detail who leaked them, saying it could endanger the life of its source.

    The documents "incontrovertibly show that government officials directed recruitment, arming and other support to the ethnic militias known as Janjaweed," said Kenneth Roth, director of the New York-based rights group.

    He said the documents, which he claimed had instructions for resettling black tribesman, also show that the Sudanese government lied to Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites) when it denied recruiting and arming the militias.

    One document, dated Nov. 22, 2003, described how the highest ranking state official in south Darfur, Gov. Adam Hamid Mussa, and a deputy interior minister visited a Janjaweed camp in Qardud on Nov. 18, 2003, and requested that that leaders recruit 300 people.

    Nomadic Arab tribes have long been in conflict with their African farming neighbors over Darfur's dwindling water and usable land. The tensions exploded into violence in February 2003 when the two African rebel groups took up arms over what they regard as unjust treatment by the government in their struggle with Arab countrymen.

    Since then, a calamity has unfolded, as armed bands of herders, most of them from the Arab militias, have torched villages, driving more than a million black Africans from their homes.

    The United States and humanitarian groups have long accused the Sudanese government of backing the Janjaweed, which are blamed for the bulk of the killings, with airplanes, helicopter gunships and vehicles.

    The United Nations (news - web sites) estimates up to 30,000 people have been killed in Darfur, but some analysts put the figure much higher. The death toll could surge to more than 350,000 if aid doesn't reach more than 2 million people soon, the U.S. Agency for International Development has warned.

    Annan — who returned Monday from three weeks of travel, including a visit to Sudan — said aid workers are getting greater access to the displaced in Darfur.

    When asked whether the U.N. Security Council should adopt a resolution on Darfur, he said: "The important thing is the international community should make clear that they do expect the Sudanese government to honor the commitments it made."

    Roth said the time to seek cooperation from the Sudanese government was past, and he called for a strong military force to be sent to Sudan.

    Sudan has only consented to an African presence of about 400 observers and soldiers.

    A separate U.N. report said marauding militias continue to attack villages in the southern Darfur region, despite pledges by the Khartoum government to protect the population.

    The number of people driven from their homes grew by about 100,000 last month, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said.

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