SHJ 0.71% 69.5¢ shine justice ltd

Dear Jimmy_C, For someone who is so superior in the...

  1. 165 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    Dear Jimmy_C,
    For someone who is so superior in the understanding of accounting that you talk down to all others, I find there are few points of yours that beggar belief, but this maybe because I don’t understand numbers as well as the great almighty.
    You claimed conspiracy about using 01/07 acquisition dates, which as a business acquirer I attest is the most logical, especially when dealing with multi-year accounting principles. Your basis was this artificially boosted 15/16 results by booking them in as full year. A red herring but let’s play this out.
    All acquisitions booked full year 2015/2016. That is this trading year represents the entirety of both existing business and acquisitions. As such any PCP comparison is on an identical operation without the influence of further acquisitions, i.e ORGANIC GROWTH.
    2017 First Half:
    Work in Progress grew by 4.7%
    Record fees billed in H1 of $71.0m, up 10.8% pcp
    Based on these two very simple, but clearly stated points your entire argument is as they say in the industry FOS. That is unless your superior mind is capable of advising me how they can achieve growth in their billable hours by over 10% without acquisition, but yet not be growing.
    Apparently GOFC and WIP increasing every year, well beyond acquisitions percentages is also somehow indicative of a declining underlying book. I may not be smart Jenny; but I know what growth is.
    You’re clearly well versed on this accounting style, so cut the baloney. The point is conceded that management needs to reduce variations in WIP, I have been championing this myself; but this company is clearly growing and all of your assertions and valuations deduced via picking and choosing the parts you wish are without doubt suggestive of somebody who has an ulterior motive.
    I have noticed the very low interest in shorting on this company, which is a very strong indicator that the market believes it is undervalued. I believe the reason for this undervaluation has several factors but the most influential of which is the exit of a large shareholder via very thin trading levels and/or washing of shares to avoid taxes. However, on Friday there was a spike in short volume ; not huge at 25,000 but greater than the total amount of shorts purchased over the preceding months; so noticeable.
    These shorts were purchased on Friday 17
    th March
    When did Jimmy C start assassinating the company and its shareholders ? Saturday the 18
    th March
    Coincidence? I think not , especially considering your “why I think Shine is fools gold’ heading.
    As a non-shareholder, you have either spent hours taking to task every HC member who questions the absurdity of your cash is king devaluation methodology because you are the boy in the bubble with no connection to the outside world other than via a computer Or IMO you’re a shorter. (If) you are a shorter at least have the strength to declares this so people can consider you are financially incentivised by the company’s share price falling, before attempting to understand your greater than thou reasoning.
    A simple man
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