To solve the "cat on warm car" problem a bit of lateral thinking...

  1. 9,081 Posts.
    To solve the "cat on warm car" problem a bit of lateral thinking is needed.

    Mine - a very well mannered gentlemen, er ..eunuch actually, used to have this annoying habit. Paw marks all over the bonnet and roof ... muddy paw slide marks on the windscreen etc etc.

    The solution, when I eventally hit upon it was simple. I have long length of light plastic that I place on the bonnet fixed under the windscreen wipers. That does the trick ... he just hates rustling plastic and never goes anywhere near it.

    Mine is perfectly house trained and has never been a problem in that regard.

    And my neighbours adore him.

    He is one lucky feline .... all well deserved, of course
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