>70> of iraqis want the yanks to saty..., page-2

  1. 4,005 Posts.
    C'mon Yak, innocent US soldierboy's are being slaughtered unecessarily, do you agree with this ? If US was invaded then fair enough... But, to sail across the Atlantic to "thump" an ideology the USA gave birth to leaves a little to be desired by logical thinking people, and you know what people think the USA are "illogical" ... and they are.
    Do you seriously think that distorting the harmonious elements of that nation will able US policy makers in Iraq to achieve peace ?

    If you do, where can I get the stuff you smoke, cos my stuff is running out. But then again, you are a strong believer of the zeo-zionist movement, which is fair and your decision and some idiot like myself that understands the tone of your posts is in view and totally understands your promotion for "blood""agony" and "slavery" muttering as you are undoubtedly "scared" and "frightened".

    Iraq is going to be a large scale Palestine, blind Freddy can see it.

    Only a nuke will settle peace in Iraq, unfortunately that's the level of indecency the Yanks have made the Middle East today, no respect for foreign sovereignty whatsoever. It will come back and bite..
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