Yep - several (3?) of the murdering scum gave themselves up !!!...

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    Yep - several (3?) of the murdering scum gave themselves up !!!

    All part of the 'deal'


    Douglas Wood alive and well
    By Steve Lewis and Patrick Walters
    June 16, 2005

    Free ... a 'proof-of-life' test was needed for Mr Wood / File Advertisement:
    AUSTRALIAN hostage Douglas Wood has been dramatically freed in a raid on his captors' Baghdad hideout by Iraqi military forces, who took several militants captive.

    The 63-year-old US-based engineer was recovering last night in hospital, almost 50 days after being kidnapped in Baghdad by a radical Islamic group.
    Mr Wood was delivered into the hands of Australia's emergency response team in Baghdad yesterday afternoon (Australian time) inside the city's secure Green Zone before undergoing a full medical examination.

    Foreign Minister Alexander Downer told ABC TV that a number of people had been detained as a result of the military operation, which was aided by US units.

    He could not confirm whether there had been any loss of life.

    John Howard told parliament shortly after 6.45pm that "Mr Wood was recovered a short while ago in Baghdad in a military operation that I am told was conducted by Iraqi forces in co-operation in a general way with force elements of the United States".

    The Prime Minister said Mr Wood, who suffers from a serious heart complaint, had "suffered immensely" in captivity.

    "I understand that he is well. He's undergoing medical checks at the present time," Mr Howard said.

    The news of his release was conveyed to Mr Wood's brother Malcolm and other family members last night in a phone call by Mr Downer about 6pm.

    "They were slightly disbelieving," Mr Downer said. "Their hopes had been raised and dashed over the last six weeks. I told them no, we had the so-called "proof of life" test we had applied - asking him a question and him being able to give a personal answer to that question. Very few have been released by military action of this kind."

    Speaking outside his home in Canberra, Malcolm Wood said: "The family, of course, are delighted."

    Family spokesman Neil Smail said the family had been greatly relieved by the news.

    "The family greatly appreciates the work that has been done towards Douglas's release by the Australian government team in Iraq and officials in Canberra, other agencies in Iraq and earlier by Sheik al-Hilali."

    Mr Howard told parliament that at no stage had a ransom been paid.

    Mr Downer said Mr Wood had been "extraordinarily lucky". Canberra had approved in-principle hostage release operations using military forces but had no prior knowledge of the Iraqi-led operation.

    He said the operation to release Mr Wood had not directly involved Australia's 20-strong emergency response team, which included a special forces detachment.

    The engineer was snatched on the way to work in late April by a group calling itself the Shura Council of the Mujahideen.

    Mr Howard admitted to being "overwhelmed with relief", as he broke the news of Mr Wood's release to the parliament.

    A subdued Prime Minister said Mr Wood was under the protection of the Australian emergency response team in Baghdad's Green Zone.

    Australia's Islamic spiritual leader, Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, spent several weeks in Iraq last month in an effort to secure Mr Wood's release.

    The Sydney-based cleric held numerous meetings with Islamic leaders inside the country and was always optimistic that Mr Wood would be released unharmed.

    Both Mr Howard and Mr Downer praised the sheik's efforts in helping secure Mr Wood's release after nearly 50 days in captivity.

    Mr Howard said he had been trying to contact Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari to thank him for his country's help in securing Mr Wood's release.

    "I hope very shortly to express my thanks for the efforts of his forces, and may I record again our thanks to our American friends," Mr Howard said. "It is a wonderful outcome for this man who suffered so much
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