gunman's wife in hate-filled YouTube videos, page-50

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    How IS this - this scum gets the services of top legal silks - on Legal Aid? What, has wracked up 110K. HOW in hell did he get this. He MUST have supporters - but WHO - and where? Yes, I allege he has had (hidden) support structures - if so - who and what these were MUST be rooted out by our ASIO and policing authorites - and fast.

    Bill Shorten, inarticulate, all over the place, and vague - as usual - resorting to worn out repetitive cliches with his comments on this siege (the flowers in Martin Place were "uplifting" he said, trying "emotion" not very successfully) - dodging the questions, as usual - as his unwavering wont - being quizzed on Melbourne radio (3AW) this morning, and by a biased Leftist presenter. "Do you or your government take ANY responsbility for the fact that over 50,000 boat arrivalists came in under your Government's watch - mostly un-documented - and do you now wonder about any who may have had evil intent - who've fallen through the cracks, who were never properly scrutinised or assessed?" Paraphrasing. (And how could they be assessed, ever with NO papers - Mr. Shorten - hey?!) But he tried to make out they had been.

    Not only did Shorten NOT answer this. He leapt right over the top of it - and went on talking about something else, totally unrelated. He pulls this "not answering" stunt all the time. NEVER answers a direct question with a direct relative reply. Just ignores the question - and talks of something else. A very cunning Machiavellian, I allege, this one.

    With regard to Legal Aid - a few decades ago (has the Victorian law changed) anyone who was trying a case with benefit of Legal Aid could not have the benefit of engaging a Barrister of QC or SC status. Strictly NOT. How come this murderer had one - then? And the associated heavily expensive legal teams in thr wake of these QC's and SC's? Who approved his costs? GRANTED his Legal Aid? Him on welfare?

    I personally experienced a case which had to be almost abandoned - almost into it's final stages - court trial date imminent - because the initial Barrister engaged was appointed a QC! (After 7 years of difficult research and preparation by plaintiff and small firm solicitor). The advice from the initial (well regarded) Barrister was that this was an open and shut case.

    A hurried search was made for a new Barrister - (NOT QC) - and we had to start virtually all over again - with complex relevant briefings, he not having a full understanding, just doing his best . In fact, this change of Barrister resulted in plaintiff having to accept a reduced out-of-court settlement offer - the advising solicitor keen to wind up and sell and retire. A replacement Barrister was found. The plaintiff wanted to take it through to a trial - but this Legal Aid hitch made that almost impossible, as new BArrister had time constraints.. Yet this animal gets the advantage of $100,000 in costs?
    And the support of High Court facilities?

    This is very galling then - now - to read that this animal not only rorted the welfare and legal systems, he did this right through to High Court Appeal levels>

    Greedy and grasping Centrelink - now creully harrassing and scaring Black Saturday victims - see below (haven't they suffered enough??) where WERE you then?- you did not demand re-payments from HIM! or won't. now, from his estate - I'll bet. Let's not upset the Muslim community, the Leftist constant anthem. Who seem to be getting a free ride - on the back of our taxes.

    And he was also let out, on BAIL????? Accused of accessroy to murder? And his wife - she accused of a most vile murder- admits being a terrorist (allegedly, her own words) and she, also out on BAIL?

    It is also MOST galling of all - because (and I apologise for always raising the issues - but!) - Centrelink, in most cold-hearted, brutal, brief, uncomprimising and uncaring fashion, have just sent out, right on Christmas, the most disgraceful, insensitive, and highly upsetting and threatening DEMAND letters to all Black Saturday Class Action members - victims of Black Saturday bushfires who either lost family, or all they owned, in most cases - on 7th February, 2009.

    Centreling have got wind of an impending Class Action settlement - which still now, almost six months later - has not yet been ratified by the relevant Judge - in the Victorian Supreme Court.

    Yes, lump sum not yet ratified by Supreme Court judge. Yes, 5000 Class Action members (10,000 claims) have NO idea how the amount (IF ratified) will be as distributed and allotted - (substantial costs have to be deducted) and, at the very least, it will be 18 months to 2 years befre they see any compensation! They have NIL idea, even remotely, of how much each may receive. And have no part in inout in knowing how this will be done. Or how fairly.

    If any hitches - or non-ratification - this then goes back to the original Trial judge - and could take another 10 years to sort out! This tragic horror happened almost 6 years ago. If this amount is not ratified - it goes back to court - and any settlement may take another 10 years.

    But in come the Centrelink jackboots - Centrelink with their hands out - "You will have to pay us back any umemployemnt and other support payments you may have received straight after the fires, and thereon, to now! The Aussie Gestapo!

    This letter of demand - before any final judgement and wind up of class action - has been the straw which borke the camel's back, for many. SOme already deeply depresse,d even suicidal. How low can Centrelink GO! They want their pound of flesh! Never mind the trauma and upset this reckless letter has caused. Some people now so terrified of what they may have to pay back - frightened - already scared now, just to make the trip to the letterbox!

    These are born and vred suffering Aussies here - beig threatened and penalised by Centrelink. In addition to all they'be veen through.Any fire victims got a severe respiratory illness, when living in temporay village huts - which. badly ventilated, grew mould. They had to throw out clothing, bedding, furniture - apart from being so ill. How many of them actually claimed anything from Centrelink during this horror. For a huge tragedy, and continual family upheavals, via a national disaster, none of them caused! And Centrelink want their money back??

    TO his credit, Jon Fayne of Melbourne ABC radi o- has gone to bat for these victims - and Centrelink have apologised. But ONLY for the timing of this letter! Lots more to come on THIS. It is totally disgusting and appallingly unjust, and cruel.

    Will the self-confessed "I am a terrorist", alleged mirderess wife of Monday's animal creep be asked to re-imbuse Centrelink, with regard to all the unemployment monies he's stacked up over the years? Will his estate be asked to re-imburse the moneis he gained for his legal expenses. And ill anyone ask - how the HELL he got this money allotted at all.

    The fact is - he got all these fiancial advantages granted, I allege - BECAUSE he was a Muslim. With the Left - (and the Law, AND the Public Service, is predominatly Leftist) - it is totally Politically Incorrect to criticse anything Muslim, or Islamic.

    Jews, Bhuddists, Presbyterians Catholics, Hindus, Sikhs, the Irish, etc. are all fair game. But no-one ever dares crticised anything Muslim/Islamic - or all hell breaks loose. And out fly the "racist" "Redneck" and "Bigot" labels. And world wide Islamists fly into a great world petulant tantrum!

    No, for some reason, all things Muslim/Islam are regarded as totally sacrosant. Its adherents somehow seem to be held in the guise of angels. It's veiled women regarded in awe - what, as some sort of virtuous nuns? - on the mistaken assumption, via some headscarf, this conveys the message that all of them are therefore of fine and unblemished good character. (I would ask Centrelink- so keen to persecute Black Saturday victims - does the wearing of hijab, nihab, or whatever else these people can dream up in the repression of women ugly full body camouflage - mean that any and all Muslim women are permanently excused, for life, from ever having to report to Centrelink regularly, or meet the Strict "look for a job" codes Centrelink demands of all non-Muslim Australians? Same question about Muslim men - and their "religious" dress? DO they?? Get total exemption?? From haivng to toe the Centrelink line we all have to toe? HAs someone the time - to get into enquiry mode - and find out? (Lots of phone queques with Centrelink. HArd to speak to an actual person! And SO arrogant.)

    Yes, criticise anyone else, with abandon - and good sense of humor. But Do NOT dare criticise ANYTHING Islamic - and on that basis - this foul murderer got away with what he did, last Monday! Tolerance gone utterly mad.

    Will Centrelink go after his wife for re-imbursement of years of wlefare payments? No, But they'll quickly rush in, premature and insensitive, right on Christmas, and threaten Black Saturday victims. Frighten the hell out of them. Many, thanks to his letter , now plunged into deeper depression. Will Legal Aid go after a refund? No.He was a Mulsim. And Muslims, it seems, are exmept. From any scrutiny - and suspicion - no, we dare not utter a word against them. But, the do-ggoder and bleeding heart brigades, the Left Wing apologists for Islam - rush to support crooks, thugs and alleged murderers and child abusers - the totally left-wing biased legal systems - and judiciary - have NO qualms about helping these mongrels right into the High Court.

    This country is sick. IF we want to fix it - we must do it ourselves. Via people power. The days of complacency are over. Are Aussies up to the stand and fight? This now extremely urgent. Let's stop this mewling pussy-footing around.

    It's terrorism. He was a terrorist - pure and simple. News today tell us this heroic young manager was actually allegedly executed in cold blood. Pure and simple, this is Islam - he from Iran.. And we are the mugs. WHO are all the various people, and entities, who supported this vile killer? And aren't they, then (including his hate filled current black masked wife) - accessories after the fact? Someone has been paying this bloke's BILLS! And supporting his so-called RIGHTS! We want to know - WHO!

    Was he an anchor- for some sleeper cell? Here - or from overseas?

    Of course there are decent people of any nationality. Some choose to migrate here - officially, with identification - and are model citizens. I met one, recently, a young Registar Iranian doctor - speaking perfect English and obviously a cultured and well educated and well off young gentleman. He said he loved his own country best of all, but came here to escape this vile Islamic radicalism and evil which, he said, now dominates society back home - and is ruining his country.

    This cwardly mongrel killer, last Monday, was Iranian. Yet we still nurtured him, tolerated his evils, and worse, help light his way, along his dark, terrifying and satanic path.

    As I said - the Trojan Horse is already within the gates. Silly Billy's like Shorten- will never allow that it's happening. pretend that it isn't - dare NOT criticise Islam - they need the votes.

    And bleeding heart lawyers (Julian Burnside take note) are the worst - as are the Greens - and Labor says nothing - they want the West Sydney and West Melbourne votes.

    May the dear souls of these two outstanding young people, murdered so vilely last Monday, Rest in Peace. And may their families find hope, again -within the love of family and friends and all Australians.
    Last edited by iron mike: 18/12/14
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