With Windsor, Oakeshott, Wilkie, Thomson, Rudd, Crean, Albanese,...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    With Windsor, Oakeshott, Wilkie, Thomson, Rudd, Crean, Albanese, all the self-interested toadies, and all the other self-interested sycophants all too scared to DARE go against her "totalitarianship," Miss. Gillard and actually "cross the floor" so to speak (what, and incur Union and related Bikie wraths!) how would Abbott be able to pull off a no-confidence vote.

    This whole Labor set-up a bunch of head nodding, petrified lackeys. No mind of their own. And some mention COURAGE on here - they wouldn't know it if they fell over it - this flock of Marxist sheep.

    The opnes who have any hope are too busy manipulaitng their positions - to take over as leader when the present incumbent PM is gone. Even THEY don't dare rock the boat - and cause dissension in the ranks. THey won't show their hand THIS early - not even assuming they did in fact, have principles, and guts enough to cross the floor, now - as they should.

    If the people of Australia's welfares were their main concern. But they are not. With Labor MP's, whomever they are, they are always and only out for themselves.

    Helping bring on a no-confidence vote- and therefore certain demise of their party - now - is the very LAST thing they will want!

    Windsor and Oakeshott are the main culprits. If you wish to accuse ANYONE of being gutless, I suggest you broaden your narrow horizons, admit the actual truth, direct such accusation to these two. WHO, between them, have, I and others allege, brought Australia to it's knees. Both an absolute disgrace. Gillard's liege men, pure and simple - and never the wain shall budge!

    Each will stand for a safe Labor if they have a "next time" around. Labor always pay off their friends, for favors rendered.

    As for opinion from The Age - that fortified stronghold castle of heavily pro-Left "opinion" - just another version of ABC heavy bias - in print form. A Fairfax production. Notoriously anti-Liberal. Always.
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