muzzarati,"We all know that Tony should debate after the...

  1. 436 Posts.

    "We all know that Tony should debate after the election has been called."

    um.. no we don't.. You might THINK this but I dont... And just saying "we all know" is a piss weak argument.

    "Stupid Australia public just sees it as Tony not up to the task."

    Yep! sure do! That's politics baby!!!

    Tony's weakness is his avoidance of any real media scrutiny. You should watch that YouTube mashup of all the times he runs away from media questions. Rudd has put a clear (and fair) challenge to him. National debate! Tony has avoided it. Politically (we ARE talking politics after all) it's a good move.

    "Rudd last night had the media in his office for drinks. They lap it up. Rudds crazy quirkiness is also a strength."

    Are you saying that this is the first time ever a PM (Labor or Liberal) has had drinks with the media in their office? *cough* JOHN *cough* HOWARD *cough* KERRY *wink* PACKER

    "This election is going to be tight. Another hung parliament anyone."

    I'm prediciting a Labor win. Tony's tricks are all used up. Behind his slogans (stop the boats, deficit/debt crisis) there is little of substance.

    Interestingly, these slogans aren't working with Rudd as leader. He's cleaned up his 'wordiness' by about a million % and the public seems to be liking him (according to massive turnaround in the polls).

    Young people, women and immigrants will carry Labor through.

    The problem with Tony is that he peaked as a front bench minister. Now he's trying to be leader and asking "ok, what's the plan??"

    To which, the reply is: "You tell us! you're meant to be the leader!!!!"
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