gwb ... 4trillion dollar man, page-2

  1. 5,822 Posts.
    Hmmm ... (don't know wot happened then ... I didn't even hit the Add button) had a look back at CNN report of GWB's 2001 'balanced budget' promises ... mindful that Clinton's last four years were in budget SURPLUS and unemployment at a low 3.9%.

    In the 8 year presidency (2008) GWB will have racked up $1.5trillion in budget deficits ... $1trillion for Iraq war and given away a further $1.5trillion in federal tax cuts to the wealthy. These numbers could get a lot worse with at least one analyst suggesting that budget deficits could reach $1.5trillion in GWB's current (2004-08) 4 year term.

    The scary item currently is the $7trillion GWB wants to 'print' as a public loan to invest in the capital markets as a 'bail-out' for US Social Security ... these idiots are actually thinking of creating another massive financial bubble. This might be the "mother of all bail-out's" and yes sufficient to create another '29 type crash by 2010 or so.

    Bush unveils 'fiscally responsible' budget

    CNN February 22, 2001
    Web posted at: 5:20 p.m. EST (2220 GMT)

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In his first presidential news conference, President Bush said Thursday he would resist "the Christmas tree effect" as he pushes a budget plan, saying he hoped business leaders and Congress would resist the temptation to add a multitude of projects to his proposal.

    "I don't want people putting ornaments on my plan," the president said. Bush said he hoped business interests "will listen to me, and I hope they will help me."

    "I will resist the temptation of folks to pile on their pet programs onto our tax cut," he added.

    "We thought long and hard about the right number," he said of the $1.6 trillion tax cut proposal. "We think it's just right."

    "I have a reasonable and balanced budget," Bush said. "It funds priorities, and my administration has no higher priority than education." He said the budget would "honor the commitments to America's senior citizens," including support for Medicare and Social Security.

    "Our budget is fiscally responsible. If enacted, it will reduced the deficit by an unprecedented amount over the next four years."

    Cheers ... tight stops.

    This is only my view ... read the red stuff.
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