About a week ago, I intended to write that because Motley Fool now has a new dividend-stock service, one should expect a plug for TGA, which Bruce Jackson holds. Anyhow, I could caught up in the cash-flow matter thjat Donksy raised, and not wanting to mix apples with oranges, I remained silent on the matter. Anyhow, outside that new service, Motley Fool gave TGA a plug anyhow, so expect another soon as part of the dividend-yield theme. Whether today's spike relates to the MF plug, or not, I cannot say. The volume as at 2:00PM today is over four times a typical day's volume, so something has set the cat amongst the pigeons..
Fat Boater suggested that if something is not good, it must be bad, and I countered that there is a middle position. TGA is a good long-term investment, and if one held either no TGA, or only a few shares, then in the absence of a plethora of better investment options, investing in TGA at below $2.60 is perfectly reasonable, even if it is not an undervalued no-brainer. That the SP has moved up to about $2.60 does not surprise me, and even though I want to wind back my holding of 512,500 shares, I have not got my finger on the trigger yet - I'll wait for the mid-year reports due about a fortnight hence.
From the dividend perspective, there are not many stocks that compare with TGA. DPS history is: