Had my first shot., page-39

  1. 86,604 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    thanks - yes, I had read that when researching those couple of years back

    "Finally, forceful respiration results in increased sympathetic innervation and glucose consumption in intercostal muscle, generating heat that dissipates to lung tissue and warms circulating blood in the pulmonary capillaries. "

    I'd forgotten that bit ------------------ so - it's to the point that I mentioned - my body is now automatically doing 'forceful respiration' --------- when it feels it wants to

    I've no idea if that's merely psychological - it may well be that the physiology has learned the trick

    I'd probably bet on psychology if it was a 2 horse race - but, who knows

    the body learns new tricks very very fast -- without any training at all

    I can't recall - but, there's a fancy word for say a situation like - if you desensitize say the tip of an index finger - by??? - take your pick - skin removal etc - saw, knife - god knows what - then, you do a skin graft (emergency surgery - like within hours)

    the body will automatically begin to use the thumb and middle finger for some detailed work - no thinking needed

    so, I wonder if something like that kind of mechanism might be able to teach the body to use it's new learned trick ------ like forced breathing creating controlled hyperventilation. ???

    It'd be an interesting area to explore - not in my real interest though atm - but, notice things happening.
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