Unfortunately the reality is that FBR do not have unlimited...

  1. 831 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 143
    Unfortunately the reality is that FBR do not have unlimited funds to complete their plans and going into next year for the 10 builds is not viable. If they were a government department they would have the time and money to fulfill the enormous potential, but the market is speaking.

    They are probably technically insolvent, with not enough cash to get them through to meet their commitments to the next financial year end.

    The Waas revenues are not going to be sufficient initially to prevent a CR.

    If it drags into next year FBR will be at the mercy of a white knight investor who will only tip in funds on their terms.

    If they can meet the 10 builds by November, then perhaps we see WBR or BKW or KSA invest.

    But they won't pay anymore than they have to, and they have the luxury of time, whereas FBR clearly do not.

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