FBR 0.00% 3.8¢ fbr ltd

To Sportsbet,. On the weekend I heavily backed a horse, that all...

  1. 6,774 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 707
    To Sportsbet,
    . On the weekend I heavily backed a horse, that all the tipsters had declared as “bet off the day”. It clearly should have won last start and has form around group 1 horses. The drier track on Saturday should have suited it and the trainer /jokey combination is rated really high and the breeding is impeccable. It was the market mover and backed into odds on favourite.

    As it didn’t run to expectations, I’m seeking a refund into my account, sooner rather than later as I have bills and rent too pay

    Thanks Bdawg39
    Last edited by Bdawg39: 05/09/19
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