Halal, Sharia law then what Islamic State?

  1. 289 Posts.
    People need to really get educated when it comes to what is happening in the world, that dominates our News daily. Europe loss the plot probably 30 years ago when they started to forfeit their culture and identity trying to over accommodate for immigrates in a very socialist way. Now many European countries realised they went too far in so called tolerance and political correctness. Now they realise they may not be able to undo what they have created and be lost as a society. We don't have to go down the same path and give away our values and freedoms.

    Why has Australia a country of some 24 Million people when compared to others, have such a relatively large percentage of citizens identified fighting for extremists in Syria and Iraq? The USA a country of 330 Million doesn't have this issue ? We pride ourselves as a multi-cultural country. Yet did we really end up some how with more radical folks as immigrates or refugees? I thought these folks were trying to escape the persecution of free thought, immoral treatment of young girls and women, the dead squads of their religious states, so as to have a better life and leave the misery, brutality and generational murder and hatred behind them. That is what I believed and that is what I totally support.

    It is important you understand my conviction in writing on this matter. There are events taking place in countries all over the world in the name of a religion that directly threatens our Western way of life, values and freedoms that we fought and sacrifice to achieve as a nation. Secularism and pluralism are two of the key defining ethos of Western societies as is freedom of speech, freedom of conscious and freedom of thought which are under threat by being progressively eroded, with the each of these acts of terrorism. Society has and is now afraid, people are self-censuring, people succumb to political correctness and as we see by starting to make apologies for Muslims rather acknowledging the real threat at hand from the Islamic extremists. To them it is more than a religion. It is

    The position that I am enunciating here is not "anti-religion." Practice your religion to your heart's content as long as it does not violate the rights, freedom and values of others in any way. This is the means by which the rights of all citizens in a free, secular, and pluralistic society are protected. Once we begin to grant special privileges and accommodations to some (typically those whose religious beliefs dictate an intrusive presence within the public realm), we head down a path that we will never return from and in that threatens our very civilization.

    (See my original post http://hotcopper.com.au/threads/hal...by-hate-posts.2442832/page-8?post_id=14625022 )

    Where am I going with this?

    As I said, I do not wish to be made to support an Islamic religious practice to have their product Halal certified. Less than 2% of this population is Muslim and I do not want to fund special religious rituals or political campaigns to increase the presence of Sharia Law in Australia. The Qur'an does not stipulate anywhere that a product must undergo certification for it to be halal.

    I said in my opening sentence get educated. Don't think you know everything and get out of you comfort zone by actively looking at alternative views that do not necessarily match your current ideas of world view. Look outside mainstream media and finally actually read the Qur'an and above all, please please don't be so naïve to believe you don't need to actually read it to understand it. You will then understand why all this is happening and why there can be no multi-culturism, secularism, pluralism and democracy in a Islamic society.

    All I am saying is listen, read and think, really think about this. The horror that is being inflected all around the world in name of a religion, the beheadings, the slaughter is more of a political ideology than a religion, that is why it hates and cannot tolerate democracy and freedom of thought ,freedom of conscious ,freedom of speech. In Islam there is no such separation of religion and State as in Western countries, they have a law , Sharia Law which is the ONLY law and is mandatory to be followed.

    And do not be lead to believe there are different interpretations of Islam. It is not like other religions of the world that do have accepted contradictions, misinterpretations or indeed corruptions in their scripts over the centuries, that recognise there are different faiths such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity. In Islam, they pray every day “There is no God but Allah,” and any other claims by others to another God is an abomination to their faith.

    I do not want to be forced to contribute to the encroachment of Sharia Law upon our nation. I don't want this for my children. Today , on Australia day I want our country to be free of these threats, this is not the same multi-cultural country it was 20 years ago. People bringing their religious "baggage" of intolerance and hatred of freedoms, different beliefs and democracy are destroying what we value so dearly.  We gave citizenship to these folks and what did they do in appreciation?
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