" Half of Europe is in depression, with the rest to follow suit...

  1. 338 Posts.
    " Half of Europe is in depression, with the rest to follow suit soon.
    Indeed the world will soon be hurting from the Great Depression of 09.
    So where and how did this all begin?
    It's quite simple really - one word.
    Globalization. "

    Frankie, could you be so good and name the half that are currently in depression, just so we can avoid where to go on hols...

    Also can you advise just which of the other 50% will go into full blown depression next....

    I will give you some time to goggle earth maps of europe and look at your globe. ( Europe is the biggish blob right of the atlantic and spreads roughly to the FSU now)

    As always, your huge fountain of first class knowledge is most appreciated although you really do need to start putting copy right info on your cut and paste exclamations and pearlers of advice...


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