DJMatakiteIran's Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf - a...

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    Iran's Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf - a high ranking, powerful figure in Iran’s political system, believed to be close to the country’s armed forces has stated...

    "We will definitely act on the Leader's command to respond to the crime at the right time and place," the parliament speaker affirmed during Haniyeh’s funeral ceremony held on Thursday, adding that the Israeli regime will pay a “heavy price” for its cowardly act.

    Qalibaf also pointed the finger of blame at Washington, stating...

    “No Israeli crime ever takes place without direct U.S. coordination.”

    Absolutely. Never a truer word!

    As Richard Medhurst so astutely states...

    I don't buy this story that Haniyeh was using an infected iPhone or that a bomb was planted in the room.
    This is counterintelligence/propaganda carefully planted in the New York Times to throw people off and portray Israel as tech savvy, like after the murder of Fakhrizadeh.

    EXACTLY. This BS narrative is equally as ludicrous as the tangled web the US FBI has been weaving in their cover up of the attempted DJT assassination!

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