IDF Evacuating Rafah to Deliver Death Blow to Hamas Nazis It...

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    IDF Evacuating Rafah to Deliver Death Blow to Hamas Nazis

    It seems like ever since 1967, Israel has been doing nothing but retreating. And in all but one case – the withdrawal from Sinai that gave us a peace agreement with Egypt – retreating has done nothing but embolden our enemies.

    It's time for Israel to finish Hamas off once and for all. The only way to do that is to go into Rafah and wipe out what remains of the terrorist group's military forces. But unfortunately, we have been hamstrung by our American allies, or more specifically, by Neville Chamberlain wannabe, President Joe Biden. I'm almost 100% sure that if it wasn't for Sleepy Joe, the IDF would have invaded Rafah weeks ago and would be mopping up by now.

    But unfortunately, the man currently sitting in the White House is intent on ending the war before Israel has achieved its primary objectives: freeing the remaining hostages and destroying Hamas so that the Gaza Strip is no longer a threat to the Jewish state. Hence, he's been blackmailing Israel into agreeing to a ceasefire with Hamas, constantly threatening that he will withdraw America's support if Israel doesn't do his bidding. Thus, at the behest of the president, Israel has not yet launched a full-scale assault on Rafah.
    Biden has been putting undue pressure on Israel in order to placate young voters who sympathize with Hamas–the same young voters chanting "Death to America" on college campuses throughout the US – as well as the "progressive" wing of the Democratic Party, which of course includes Israel-haters like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. To make a long story short, Biden believes he can win re-election by coddling voters on the far-Left who hate America as much as they hate Israel. He's wrong. The overwhelming majority of registered voters in the US – 80% – support Israel over Hamas, according to the latest Harvard CAPS-Harris survey. Furthermore, 72% support an IDF operation in Rafah to "finish the war."

    Yet, Biden insists on preventing Israel from invading Rafah. Now, he's trying to push Israel into a ceasefire that will basically hand victory to Hamas. This ceasefire would not guarantee the release of all remaining hostages and would require that Israel release hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, some of whom have the blood of many innocent Israelis on their hands. In fact, the ceasefire Biden wants Israel to agree to would potentially prevent Israel from attacking Hamas for up to a year, which would give the genocidal terrorist group plenty of time to rebuild its military arsenal. The president might as well be asking for Israel's unconditional surrender.
    Israel has already agreed to several ceasefires with Hamas since the group took over the Gaza Strip in 2007. And Hamas has broken each one, including the one that was in place when the terrorist group carried out the worst atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust on October 7 last year. It's pointless, ridiculous, and downright suicidal to agree to another ceasefire with the Islamist Nazis that call themselves Hamas.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised us a decisive victory, something that Israel hasn't had since the Six-Day War. Indeed, it seems like ever since 1967, Israel has been doing nothing but retreating. And in all but one case – the withdrawal from Sinai that gave us a peace agreement with Egypt – retreating has done nothing but embolden our enemies.
    We retreated from most of the Palestinians' population centers in Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip as part of the Oslo Accords in the 1990s. In return, we got the Second Intifada in which 1,000 Israelis were killed. We retreated from southern Lebanon in 2000. In return, Hezbollah attacked us, leading to the deaths of over 100 IDF soldiers and more than 40 civilians. Now, thousands of our people have been forced to evacuate their homes in the north because of the possibility of another war with the Shiite terrorist group. In 2005, we withdrew completely from the Gaza Strip, uprooting several thousand Israelis from their homes in the process. In return, we got October 7.
    Agreeing to a ceasefire that would leave Hamas in power would be another retreat. It would embolden our enemies yet again. And keep in mind, Hamas has promised to repeat the atrocities of October 7 if it gets the chance. We cannot give them that chance, which means that the IDF must invade Rafah and finish destroying Hamas.
    Biden must understand that Israel is America's ally, not its vassal. Israel is a sovereign country that has a right and a duty to defend itself. Israel does not tell the US how to defend itself, so we expect that the US not tell us how to defend ourselves. Biden can, of course, withhold support from Israel, but he would do so at his own peril since he would be alienating most American voters who support the Jewish state just to please a minority of American voters who do not.
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