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    Islam is more than a religion and was conceived primarily as a political movement.

    It was the political and military aspects of Islam that spearheaded the success of military conquest throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

    The Quran even goes so far as to prohibit Muslims from co-existing with the Infidel, unless, of course, they have completed the conquest of that Infidel nation.

    Islam, by definition, is at war with every infidel nation. Peaceful co-existence is only allowed as a temporary means of lulling the enemy.

    The ‘religion of peace’ nonsense preached by left-wing liberals, not the Muslims themselves, is only true once the conquest of the entire planet has been completed and all living in one big Caliphate, under Sharia Law.

    After WWII people wondered how Hitler achieved so many of his aims when he had published it all in a book, Mein Kampf, well in advance.

    Quran is similar, which tells us very specifically what their intentions are with regard to the conquest of Europe and North America, yet they again want to ignore the truth, in order to avoid having to deal with the unpleasant consequences of admitting mistakes.

    Islam is incompatible with European values, customs, and traditions, in almost every single way.

    They threaten their civil rights, and the status of women in their society, and they do not believe in freedom of speech or freedom of religion; in what possible way can their regressive ideology contribute to Western civilization?

    Left-wingers keep referring to ‘Cultural Diversity’ and ‘Multiculturalism’ as if they are self-evidently desirable or beneficial.

    Why would Cultural Diversity make them stronger? How is the once-great civilized European society stronger now that they have no-go zones and the Muslims refuse to assimilate into European society?
    Why is Multiculturalism desirable when it is a one-way street and immigrants refuse to acknowledge local laws and preach hatred every week in their schools and mosques?

    The bottom line is that Europeans who oppose current immigration policies are not right-wingers, neo-Nazis, or any other label you want to hurl at them – they are simply normal European citizens who understand that Muslims are at war against them and they are not prepared to go along with the Globalists on their agenda of destroying European national identities, in order to appease the Muslims.

    Why is this only an issue now, since Muslims have been moving into Europe for decades?

    Terrorism from Islamist extremists set off alarm bells, which forced many Europeans to start investigating the scriptures of Islam, leading of course to a better and more insightful understanding of it.

    Additionally, the recent wave of immigration has highlighted the bankrupt claims of ‘cultural enrichment’ and alienated millions of normal working-class citizens.

    Since the political elite currently consists of most of the ruling political parties, government bureaucracies, academia, and the mass media, it may appear to left-wingers that they can force their agenda on the rest.
    They make a fatal mistake. Millions of voters currently do not rate immigration policies as their priority, but as the Islamification of their countries proceeds, opposition to current immigration policies will rise exponentially, and the backlash will be violent.
    The elite are hoping to complete their agenda by silencing their critics and preventing open public discussion of the issues.

    They do this in many ways; hate-speech laws, persecuting leaders of the movement, blocking access to media platforms, and putting out propaganda as news.

    Lately, it is to limit access to the internet, in the name of political correctness.

    It is difficult to estimate the number of Europeans or Americans who have already reached a boiling point and are drawing the line in the sand.

    It may be as many as 70 million in Europe and another 70 million in North America, but that can very quickly grow to a few hundred million, depending on a number of factors, such as what actions are taken against free speech and the number of Islamic terrorist attacks that are in the pipeline.

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