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    Kylie Ora Lobell

    May 22
    “I used to be anti-Israel because of a biased college professor:
    Here I was: A 20-year-old impressionable college student who trusted her professors and believed what they said. In my senior year, I took a class on the Middle East. I knew absolutely nothing about it, but I wanted to take it because the professor had a good reputation.
    I wasn’t Jewish, so I had no connection to Israel. I didn’t even know it was officially the Jewish State. Though most of my friends and boyfriends were Jewish, they didn’t mention Israel, either.
    The professor taught us how after the Holocaust, the Jews were given land in the Middle East that they established as Israel. He said many of these Jews were highly educated lawyers who used their skills to deceptively take homes and land away from the Palestinians.
    Then he said the Israelis changed the laws on the poor Palestinians so that they couldn’t get their property back. My professor said the Jews were sophisticated colonizers stealing from a native people. It reminded me of the story of Christopher Columbus coming to America.
    I became infuriated at Israel. How could they do that and get away with it? I remember being at a party one night and telling a girl from the class -- who perhaps was Jewish -- that the people of Israel were "real jerks." She said, "Yeah, they're awful."

    During one class, a student raised his hand.
    “I’m Jewish, and Israel is my people’s homeland,” he said meekly. “We weren’t stealing it. We were going back to where we rightfully belonged after the Nazis slaughtered us. We had nowhere else to go.”
    “Well, that is just one side of the story you were taught,” my prof said. “You must take the emotion out of it and see there is much more to it.”
    The student slunk in his seat. That would be the last time I’d see him in the class.
    I ended up dropping out of the class because, thankfully, I got a bad grade on a test. Later on, when I started dating my boyfriend Daniel (now husband), I brought up the Israel flotilla incident to him and his friend. I said it was terrible what Israel did.
    “What?” his friend said. “You can’t believe Israel did that? I can’t believe you just said that!”
    “What did I say?” I said.
    “Israelis are not the aggressors. It’s the Palestinians!”
    “Didn’t Israel attack them?”
    “What, are you only reading the mainstream media? They hate Israel."
    Daniel explained to me that there was another side that I never learned: Israel’s side. He told me that the mainstream media was very anti-Israel and so were college professors, typically. What I was taught was wrong.
    A few years later, I went to Israel, right before I converted. I saw how incredible it was. I saw Muslims and Jews sitting next to each other on the train, living in peace. I felt so much more connected there spiritually. I even got engaged to Daniel at the Kotel in the snow.
    Now, I am pro-Israel and pro-reality. I am pro-facts. I also hope for peace with the Palestinians and all of our Arab neighbors. That’s the dream.
    I hope these college students protesting Israel and participating in largely antisemitic gatherings who have been misled come to their senses, like I did. I hope they learn the nuances, the facts, and then make up their mind, and are open to good-faith dialogue.
    I do believe some of them will, once they get out into the real world and away from the mind virus that has affected college campuses.
    As for me, I am incredibly grateful to be part of the Jewish people and to be a proud supporter of Israel. I am glad I woke up and saw the truth. I thank God for it, always.”
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