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    Why do we keep bringingthem in?

    NewUK Muslim MPs with ties to Hamas and other Jihadis - already calling for BDSagainst Israel.

    With thanks to RobertSpencer and JihadWatch!

    “Callsto violence, BDS, Hamas ties: New UK MPs take hardline anti-Israel stances,” byMathilda Heller, Jerusalem Post, July 7, 2024:

    Severalof the new MPs elected in Thursday’s UK elections have made anti-Israelcomments, called for BDS, denied October 7, and have ties to Hamas and otherterrorist organizations, various UK media reports have noted over the weekend.

    Fivepro-Palestinian MPs succeeded in ousting other candidates from their seats,effectively becoming the sixth largest party, the Telegraph said on Saturday.

    TheJerusalem Post reported on election day that Shockat Adam, an optometrist bytrade and independent Muslim candidate, accepted his Leicester South seat onbehalf of the “people of Gaza” while holding a keffiyeh.

    However,an exclusive report by Jewish News on Saturday revealed that Adam’s brother,Ismail Patel, is the founder of the hardline Islamist group Friends of Al Aqsaand has previously visited Hamas leaders in Gaza.

    Accordingto the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Centre, Ismail Patel,like his brother, a British citizen of Pakistani descent, has called in thepast for the demise of the state of Israel, with comments such as, “The Zionistedifice… will soon fall. It’s a matter of time now.”

    He hasalso expressed support for Hamas by stating that it was not a terroristorganization and saluted Hamas for “standing up” to Israel.

    IsmailPatel also met with Ismail Haniyeh, according to the Centre, and during thesecond intifada, celebrated that the “Zionist nightmare is at its end.”

    His brother, the new MP of Leicester South, wrote on his website that hecondemns “weaponising terms like antisemitism, a heinous prejudice in itself,to smear any objector of the actions of the Israeli military” and that he is inopposition to “Zionist organizations.”

    InBirmingham, Khalid Mahmood, England’s first Muslim MP, who has held the seatsince 2001, lost to the barrister Ayoub Khan, a former Liberal Democratcouncillor who left his former party over Gaza.

    Shortlyafter October 7, Khan posted several clips on TikTok questioning Israelireports of Hamas’s actions, such as the beheading of babies and widespreadrapes, saying he had yet to see evidence, the Jewish Chronicle reported.

    Theliberal democrats investigated Khan, and said he agreed to receive antisemitismtraining, which Khan himself denied, claiming that there “was no need.”

    Thesituation in Blackburn was similar. Adnan Hussain, on hearing the news of hiselection as Member of Parliament, said, “We will raise our voice for Gaza! Wewill continue to fight, until death, inshallah!”…


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