A post in...

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    A post in two parts.

    Part 1/ Of course the abuse in my replies is relentless and I get called a genocidal c*** several times a day. I don’t care, I know the extent to which I’ve studied this war. It’s vastly more than 99.9% of people and I’m representing the truth as I see it and understand it with my military and academic background. The abuse passes by without a blink from me. Block and move on.

    What makes me infinitely sad, though, is Jews (being specific here: not Israelis) thanking me in my DMs just for sticking up for their right to exist. It’s much less frequent than being called a c*** but means immeasurably more. That doesn’t stop it being a tragedy, though, that the tsunami of antisemitism in the world right now is so horrific that people feel obliged to thank a stranger just for being in their corner. Sad.

    Part 2/ Rant time. This whole war is a tragedy but at the fundamental level it is absolutely pure evil versus good. The evil of Hamas being taken on by those they would have massacred to the last soul if they could. For me, this war is that simple. Yes, children have died in their thousands. Yes, innocent adults have died in their thousands. But that’s war.

    Yes, it’s been decades of conflict and if we go back to 1948 and before, an honest commentator can accept wrongs on both sides. No argument here.

    But this war didn’t start on 7th October. However, that massacre changed the paradigm. Hamas must be destroyed, and that means the innocents Hamas deliberately placed in harm’s way will come to harm as sure as night follows day.

    Congrats to every bad faith actor, every liar, every bought and paid for journalist and NGO, the UN, every nation who has signed up to the side of evil (including, apparently, my own), and every victim of disinformation who doesn’t have the will or the skill to divine reality from lies on social media.

    There’s no deliberate starvation in Gaza. Civilians aren’t targeted in air strikes. Nobody in the IDF is on trial for rape (English definition) related to Sde Temain. It’s not a  genocide. It’s a war against some of the very most monstrous monsters of the 21st Century so far, who have persuaded billions that it’s the other way around.

    Congrats to everyone who’s redefined genocide to mean “war where at least one civilian gets killed.”

    Congrats to everyone who minimises the horrors of 7th October, the mutilation, the rapes, the gleeful horrific behaviour—
    and tries to draw false equivalency between 7th October and the war in Gaza or the appalling behaviour of a tiny, minuscule minority of IDF soldiers.

    You’ve all destroyed justice and annihilated the rule of law. And it’s hard even to blame you: you’ve been deluged with lies on social media and in this season of disinformation you don’t have the skills to pick truth from lie.

    Social media has brought us a sad new era in human history where truth and lie are inverted if the liars tell their story first and in the more emotionally engaging way.

    The West lives in an era of emotional incontinence and it trumps all else.
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