SOOKER"The Americans do"Does not mean much - they were stupid...

  1. 11,223 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    "The Americans do"

    Does not mean much - they were stupid enough to vote for Bush.

    "His electors do, even the ones who used to be doves."

    Unless I am mistaken did he not have to form a government with a minor party. A party that does not want peace with the palestinians, does not accept a seperate palestinian state, endorses ethnic cleansing. So if this is representative of the electorate it does not support hte arguement that Israel wants peace on anything but their terms in total.

    "And more importantly, I do"

    Who cares.

    "You see, I know that if he is not wanted there is a democratic way to get rid of him."

    Again does not support the arguement Israel is interest in negotiated peace

    "And his party can be challenged in Court".

    "Who can challenge Arafat in a court?"

    Agreed but no different to a lot of other countries.

    "The fact remains Fatah says one thing... Hamas says something else, another party says a third thing....which views would win out when they have no democratic method of concensus other than at the point of a gun."

    Does make it difficult but it is not an excuss to refuse to even discuss peace.

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