July 22, 2024[Note from Peter: Joe Biden bowing out of the race...

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    July 22, 2024

    [Note from Peter: Joe Biden bowing out of the race may be the one honest thing he’s ever done in 50 years of politics. But as James points out below, these people have absolutely no soul, so get ready for a tsunami of deceit and propaganda from the media as they thrust Kamala Harris down our throats.]

    fraud(noun) /frôd/ : “DECEIT, TRICKERY, specifically: intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another [person] to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right. An act of deceiving or misrepresenting.”

    This is the actual definition of fraud from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary.

    Of course, anyone who has talked about fraud over the past few years has been canceled as a baseless conspiracy theorist. But at this point there are certain things that need to be said. It’s time.

    The 2020 election was full of fraud. And I’m not talking about ballot harvesting or manipulation of the vote count.

    I’m talking about the legacy media and Big Tech’s coordinated effort, along with dozens of intelligence officials, to scrub any mention of Hunter Biden’s laptop from the Internet just two weeks before the 2020 election.

    And now it’s clear that the media was also covering up Joe Biden’s infirmities, as far back as the 2020 election. A handful of journalists are finally now starting to admit that they noticed Joe Biden’s cognitive decline back then— but said nothing.

    These examples fit the textbook definition of fraud, straight out of the dictionary: the intentional perversion of truth. . . an act of deceiving or misrepresenting. So I don’t see how talking about fraud in the last election is even remotely controversial.

    And the lies have continued for the past four years with the intentional cover-up of Biden’s rapid cognitive deterioration. It has been one of the biggest political frauds of all time.

    The media was complicit. The big Hollywood stars and donors were complicit. World leaders were complicit. And of course the party elites were complicit.

    Kamala Harris is in that group as well; she 100% knew that Joe Biden is mentally unfit to serve as President of the United States. Yet she continued to deceive the public and cover up the truth.

    This, too, is fraud. Kamala Harris is a fraudster.

    Yet now she is being anointed as her party’s standard bearer, even though the only reason she has her job to begin with is because she sits down to pee and has greater quantities of melanin in her skin. These are the qualifications that Joe Biden looks for when he hires people.

    Any honest evaluation of Kamala shows that she is a complete failure.

    She is directly tied to the policy disasters of the Biden administration, and even responsible for some of them. She was a hideous candidate in the 2020 Presidential election and garnered a whopping zero delegates.

    Whenever she opens her mouth to speak, she is just as incomprehensible as Joe Biden without the excuse of dementia.

    And her personality is so devoid of authenticity that she makes Hillary Clinton look as folksy and genuine as Taylor Swift.

    It is incredible when you think about it; these Leftists have essentially traded one liability of a candidate (Biden) for an even worse liability of a candidate (Harris). It’s genius!

    But that’s typical for the Left. They have demonstrated over and over again that they cannot learn from their mistakes.

    Their ideas have proven to be total disasters— from “defund the police” to idiotic border policies to student debt forgiveness to lockdowns and vaccine mandates. But they never learn. They keep doubling down on the worst ideas.

    Now they’re in complete unity about their worst idea of all: Kamala Harris. And the top people in the party are already behind her.

    That includes former President Bill Clinton and his shrew wife, who put out a statement of support for Kamala Harris yesterday.

    According to the Clintons, “... nothing has made us more worried for our country than the threat posed by a second Trump term. He has promised to be a dictator on day one, and the recent ruling by his servile Supreme Court will only embolden him to further shred the Constitution. Now is the time to support Kamala Harris and fight with everything we’ve got to elect her. America’s future depends on it.

    You’d think that a former President Clinton, watching the attempted assassination of another former President, would have chosen his words more carefully.

    But no. Despite hollow promises to “tone down the rhetoric”, they’ve already restarted demonizing Trump in the strongest possible terms.

    Even the assertions are ridiculous. Trump will “be a dictator on day one”. How exactly? He is going to somehow dissolve both chambers of Congress and the Supreme Court?

    Speaking of the Supreme Court, for a former President to call the court “servile” is really undignified.

    And they obviously have no intention of toning down the language, encouraging people to “fight with everything we’ve got” for Kamala Harris. It’s about as bad as Joe Biden’s “bulls-eye” comment just prior to the assassination attempt.

    It all shows that, despite such obvious consequences of their lies, their propaganda, and their demonic hyperbole, these people have learned absolutely nothing. They keep making the same mistakes over and over... and continuing to commit more fraud.

    Just consider that, because of their deceit, the country is stuck for another six months with a brain dead President who refers to his own Defense Secretary as “the black guy” because he can’t remember his name.

    The whole world knows it now. It’s no longer a poorly guarded secret. No one can pretend any longer.

    And it would be naive to think that America’s adversaries won’t take advantage of this chaos.

    Their fraud has made the country weaker, and it has made the world more dangerous. But they still feel their actions are righteous based on a delusion that they’re ‘saving democracy’.

    Sure. These people deprived their own voters of a choice by trying prevent anyone else from running against Joe Biden. And now they’re depriving voters of a choice by thrusting Kamala Harris down everyone’s throat.

    Yet somehow the guy who was one inch away from being assassinated— thanks in large part to their own dramatic hysteria— is the threat to democracy.

    Makes total sense.

    To your freedom,

    James Hickman

    Co-Founder, Schiff Sovereign LLC

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