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Originally posted by hersuit:
Then tell me einstein...why is it that every vet who's found out about this holds the same view? This topic you clearly are even less informed about than most and in your blind support for you ideology you support a guy who ought to withdraw Dont be surprised if he does survive this as he shouldnt Hard to believe the Dems didn't know about this or his DUI and yet they still nominated him Either by design for some purpose or they were incompetent. They weren't incompetent No one in the military would accept this POS as their would but you couldn't have served cause I suspect you don't have it in you You're the guy that annoying little guy with the high-pitched voice who chirps for the sidelines and shouts out "We're right behind you ...we're irght behind you" getting ever fainter as the action moves forward You're my vintage if I'm not mistaken...and you didn't why was that?
Old yella Tim will be hard pressed to find a hole deep enough to hide in. One of his Unit died and another lost an arm after they were deployed and Timbo was all safe and cosy at home.