extract....The ballot, which was effectively a vote of no...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    The ballot, which was effectively a vote of no confidence in the Speaker, represented the biggest crisis of parliamentary procedure in nearly 40 years.

    that incident on Monday last when Jenkins threatened to resign, is as follows -

    Liberal Bob Baldwin asked the PM to name just one premier who was in favour of the carbon tax (he advised parliament every single premier in oz, was against the carbon tax)

    She did her usual answer, ie attack liberals or Abbott, but did not answer the question...
    So the coalition asked the speaker to demand she answer the question, stop wasting time waffling on etc
    Jenkins told her to answer the question...
    again she stood up and continued with the garbage....and did not answer the question...
    the house murmoured, made noises,
    Jenkins said the next person to speak would be sent out for 24 hours...
    Bob Baldwin said, "just answer the question PM"
    it was a simple enough request....
    So Jenkins called for the motion to oust Baldwin.....
    Jenkins vote was defeated, by 72 to libs, to 71 labor...
    so Jenkins motion, was defeated....

    but what is not recognised and reported...
    it was the PM and Labor that was defeated in parliament....
    Jenkins did a dummy spit and threatened to resign....

    It Was Abbott who stood up and supported him, request he not resign...
    the PM did not recognise the gravity of the situation,,,and did nothing...
    it was only after Abbott stood up for Jenkins, that gillard then 2nd Abbotts motion...

    Oakshott had crossed the floor and voted with the coalition, voted against the govnut.....
    that is a first...,
    Oakshott does have a wee policy...no member of parliament should silenced, all should be allowed to speak....

    so to summarise the amateurs pretending to run this country..
    the unelected pm, refuses to answer questions in parliament,
    when asked again by the opposition, and then the speaker demands she answer the question, she refuses...
    the person asking the question....gets banned for 24 hours...
    luckily the motion was defeated...
    so the pm refuses to answer questions, then gets the questioner banned...
    no democracy in sight...
    this issue will raise its head again...
    because none of the labor mob, ever answer the questions put to them,
    they just waste parliaments time, screaming and frothing about the opposition or its leader
    read lame stream version....which omitts the truth

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