harry kewell and gout, page-18

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    As a 25yr veteran of gout who has studied the prob may I post a few observations:

    It hits mainly males as they enter middle age. (Is that 40?) It is genetic. It hitch-hikes on any injury which causes inflamation, an ingrown toe-nail or sprain (Harry was injured). Inflamation causes a builup and slowing of the flow of blood so uric acid comes out of solution forming crystals which, as you can imagine cause havoc in your joints. It could be argued that God gave men gout so they could understand child birth. Gout lasts longer.

    The myth of the connection between gout and good living dates back to the Norman invasion of England. The Normans were lushes who lived to excess, lording it over their Anglo serfs. They were also genetically prone to gout, ergo the obvious conclusion that wine, women and song caused gout. It ain't neccessarily so.

    To control gout remember: Nothing causes it.
    There are foods to limit of course:
    As chuck says, lentils. Baked beans are full of fibre but if you are gout prone, get your fibre from psyllium husk. Safer.
    Nareen says keep up the fluids. this is mandatory!!! If I feel gouty I go to super light beer. (love on the beach LOL) We all know alcohol dehydrates and red wine dehydrates most, and I believe that is the worst effect of the booze.
    I have recently added chocolate to my watch list.

    As for prophillactics, Zyloprim should be your first step. When told I should take one every day for the rest of my life I read up in MIMS and on the web and could not find any reason for concern. It is about as benign as a drug can be. But if you want a natural remedy you may wish to try Morello Cherries, available bottled, in the supermarket. I swear by them as relief for another painful muscular condition I suffer. Cherries are recognised as an anti-inflamitory.

    Re-reading this I notice that I said that there are foods to limit, which is correct but one should never limit your food. Early on I almost stopped eating, scared that I would eat more of what was harming me, but I am now convinced that this fasting aggravated the problem. A scoop of chips and a few Hahn Lights will prevent the short term breakdown of body fats which increase your uric acid levils.

    Please: These are just the observations of a long time sufferer, and intended only as pointer on where to begin your own research.

    Oh! I almost forgot. Never take asprin to relieve gout. Counterproductive.

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