I suggest people start watching fox news for the truth ,almost...

  1. 10,661 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2101
    I suggest people start watching fox news for the truth ,almost no one else is going to inform the people of this planet on what has happened.
    Ballot harvesting fraud on a massive scale.
    Dead people voting that have been dead for up to 5 years ,dead people registering to vote ,then voting.
    Postal workers starting to come forward on voter fraud ,some have been forced to post mark ballots earlier than received.
    A computer program that is used in at least 30 states was set with a algorithm to give warnings on when more votes for the Democrats is needed ,with Republican votes being switched to the Democrats ,and Nancy Pelosi owns a piece of the company that supplied this computer program.
    On the day of the election ,Republican voters were intimidated into making changes on there ballots that made there ballot invalid.
    Many people received ballots that they did not ask for.
    Many people received two ballots.
    During crucial times of vote count ,no Republican was allowed to view ballots or the vote counting computers in disputed sudden strong vote swings to the Democrats.
    And the list goes on.
    Trump and the Republican's legal teams have so far 50 to 70 witnesses of vote counting fraud in around 3 to 4 states ,and increasing ,with up to 10 states with people coming forward on vote counting fraud ,potentially in over 40 states.

    The Democrats are cheats ,and it will be proven in my opinion.

    Former Prosecutor Sidney Powell Levels Huge Voter Fraud ...

    4 hours ago · Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s show Sunday Morning Futures this morning and dropped some huge allegations against Dominion Voter Systems, the company linked to at least two “glitches” in Michigan which caused votes to …
    “We’ve Identified 450,000 Ballots that Miraculously ONLY ...

    23 hours ago · Attorney Sidney Powell joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning to discuss the latest legal battles by the Trump campaign focusing on Democrat fraud and corruption. During her interview Sidney dropped several bombs including this: That Democrats manufactured 450,000 votes in battleground states that miraculously ONLY have a vote for Joe Biden.
    Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani teases up to 10 new election ...
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