has australian government got mad cow desease?

  1. 1,752 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    So this humane Oz dogooder government meddles again in well established prosperous business and result is looming disaster.

    The cows they tried to save from supposedly inhuman slaughter will be shot and and left to rot. How is that a humane solution?

    In my opinion if the government does not let the producers to sell the cows bred for Indonesia to Indonesia, it is obliged to buy them from the producers and deal with them.

    One solution obvious to me would be to buy the affected cattle with money designated for foreign aid, slaughter them humanely in Australian abattoirs and send the as chilled beef to starving people in Horn of Africa, where there is a famine and people are dying from starvation.

    This dumb government just limps from one stupid decision to another creating havoc in businesses that have been legally operating within the law, trying to make honest living.

    From carbon tax which is a window dressing without any potential effect on world pollution, pink bats mess still unresolved, super tax or resource tax that is likely to maintain uncertainty for at least another year, you name it they led Australia down the gurgle.

    This is happening during time when we should be enjoying the benefit of longest resource boom ever and improving balance of trade that is actually generating surpluses.

    We are exporting more, importing less in terms of Aussie dollars. But these idiots in Canbera seem to be hell bent on ruining it and send us to the poor house.

    I feat that thing will get worse before they get better.
    Will they ever get better?
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