has australian government got mad cow desease?, page-2

  1. 1,752 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Just more on the above.

    Can this government tell us if they going to interfere in Indonesian businesses now and tell them how they should slaughter they own cattle? Cattle that were born and bred Indonesia? Of course not, that would be grossly inappropriate and interpreted as gross interference in sovereign state affair. We respect their cultural and religious beliefs.

    So why are we telling them how to deal with the cows they purchased from us and paid good money for?

    The moment Indonesian buyer pays money for Australian cow that cow becomes Indonesian cow. Especially as many of these beasts will go to Indonesian farm, where they will be fattened on Indonesian grass growing from Indonesian soils.

    Cows do not have nationality. Or will we now issue them with passports that will guarantee them better treatment that Indonesian cows are likely get?

    So let us not meddle Indonesian traditions on government level. Lets leave these issues to NGO's who want to get involved.

    International trade agreement do not require cattle to be stunned, we can not demand higher standards legaly.

    I am amazed that Indonesia did not take us to World Trade Organization . When they do, we will loose and have to pay penalties to Indonesian businesses on the top of the money already wasted here on the so called assistance.

    The beef producers did not need any assistance until this government interference. They were contributing to this nations wealth. Now they are being impoverish by this idiotic ban and became a drain on national purse.

    Well done humane Aussies, meanwhile the abattoirs in Indonesia are slaughtering their own cattle any way the like.

    It is not business of Australian government how the Indonesians slaughter their cattle. We do not tell Philippines that they should not eat dog meat or Japanese that they should not eat horse meat. We send live sheep to Middle East to have their throats cut and that is all fine.

    How hypocritical we are, lets just mind our own business.
    We do not even treat our own people and people who seek our help humanely, how dare we preaching to others.
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