Has the cost of living increased under the Albo lead Govt?, page-59

  1. 23,059 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1430
    "By the time the next election rolls around wholesale electricity prices will be well down"

    Zero chance of that happening, while ever they keep pumping more wind and solar into the grid prices are only going one way

    "All about taming inflation"

    They'll no doubt get CPI looking better but cost of living in the real world is going to get worse for many. There's a huge problem in the rental market caused by dumb socialist policies and the current crop of state Labor govts are just making it worse and worse. Private investors are fleeing the market in their droves here in Victoria, meanwhile Albo is bringing in record numbers of migrants. I missed the exact wording but on the radio this arvo it was reported that Victoria had some extraordinary low number of new homes being built(again, this is private investors fleeing a greedy socialist govt), the situation is already near record low vacancy rates and rents skyrocketing, it's going to get much worse.

    p.s from your other post re the Greens having a housing policy, you'd have to be some special kind of stupid to think their policy wouldn't just exacerbate the situation. The ONLY solution is to open up more land and encourage private investment, that is the only possible way to make a real impact on the supply side
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