@pauljbo470; IMO China grossly over-reacted by imposing those...

  1. 46,791 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @pauljbo470; IMO China grossly over-reacted by imposing those oppressive trade sanctions against Australian producers.

    Was it predictable? Absoloutely!

    IMO because of the bombastic verbal abuse our incredibly stupid US brown-nosing politicians were hurling at China re the origin and management of Covid, the bans we've placed on Huwaei etc and our support for the USA's provocative military interventions into the South China Sea Region I think it was not only predictable but intentional / planned.

    The USA benefited enormously from the impact Chinese sanctions had on Australia - China sourced most of the banned product from from our great mate, the USA - albeit second rate quality and more expensive than what was being provided by our producers.

    China's decision to wind back those sanctions now that Albanese and Wong are messaging less abusively is IMO still not set in concrete. If Australia further ingratiates itself to the USA by mimicking its demands for the World to only allow US social media corporations to exist - banning TikTok - we may poke China too hard in the eye and suffer even more severe consequences - China's rapidly developing alternative sources of minerals from multiple sources in Africa and Mongolia that would enable it to terminate supplies from Australia ... for example.
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