has there been a worse pm than rudd???, page-18

  1. 1,827 Posts.
    Maxine McKew (former ABC presenter I think) took John Howards seat of Bennelong. She is real two faced piece of work. She is all smiley in front the cameras however I had the opportunity to observe her on a business class flight some months ago and she was really nasty to her secretary who was travelling with her but all friendly to the public when she got off the plane.

    It certainly gave me some insight to how the Rudd government works.

    I agree with pete222 about Labor Prime Ministers not lasting very long. Hughes & Hawke were the longest. Most of the others were replaced within 4 years or less. I think once Rudd narrowly wins this next election the power brokers in the Labor party will be plotting to get rid of him.
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