has there been a worse pm than rudd???, page-37

  1. 12,446 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 246
    Your argument is flawed. You say that Mr Rudd shouldn't be a candidate as the worst PM because he is currently popular. Yet by definition all of them were popular enough at one time to win the job
    All including Mr Rudd were popular at one time.

    I still think Fraser is the low water mark from which other PMs can be measured.

    Whitlam left us Medibank. Hawke changed IR with The Accord. Keating floated the dollar, started the super system. Howard shifted taxation from income towards personal expenditure with the GST, took deficit to surplus. They all left a legacy, some left a healthy tab.

    Mr Rudd still has time to leave his mark. Fraser had lots of time but left nothing in his memory.

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