Hi Misty Thanks I rated that posting UP . I do not trust these...

  1. 35,149 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 961
    Hi Misty Thanks I rated that posting UP . I do not trust these so called Polls . I have never been asked . I have posted many times That Rudd or Maybe our Deputy PM will get re elected this year. 1 Term governments are not good for the country. Maybe they can pull the rabbit out of the Hat and guide us into better times with reducing the defeciet at the same time. My concern now is not for me but for my children and 5 grandchildren growing up, who will have to repay these massive borrowings or being able to buy a Home . Hopefully I will have a big win in the market and be able to provide for their needs in the future . Cheers Towie No holidays for me just some work around the home this weekend Towie
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