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    There's no doubt about it, W.D. Gann was indeed a consummate trader. I read somewhere that in-front of witnesses he was successful with over 280 straight trades. Some say he wasn't that great as he died broke. I think during his life he made over 55 million dollars. He bought yachts, planes and I believe he had a stable of young women. The pilot that flew him to Havana on his private plane to collect his winnings from the Cuban lottery on a regular basis, was one of the females he kept.

    He did know the name of Jehovah & he also knew the power in that name. Unfortunately that's as far as Gann's spirituality ran. His main works were based around sacred Geometry with particular focus on Euclid's 47th proposition, Pythagorean theorem. This isn't the secret that he mentions so often. Because this research into geometry came after he joined the Freemasons in, I believe 1922. He actually came across his secret well before he involved himself with the Masons. Normally the Masons mold and shape sons of members or those that show great promise. Gann was a person that showed great potential due to his dealings in the occult. By 1922 Gann was already a well respected trader as he found his true secret in 1908.

    With the secret alone Gann could have still been a consummate trader and still would have had a full life serving Jehovah. But by adulterating the secret & Delving into the dark & forbidden arts meant that he served a master, but it wasn't Jehovah.

    Isaiah 47.

    13. You have grown weary with the multitude of your advisers.
    Let them stand up now and save you,
    Those who worship the heavens, who gaze at the stars,
    Those giving out knowledge at the new moons
    About the things that will come upon you.

    14. Look! They are like stubble.
    A fire will burn them up.
    They cannot save themselves from the power of the flame.
    These are not charcoals for keeping warm,
    And this is not a fire to sit in front of.

    If he had of just used the secret and applied Jehovah's laws instead of just his name in the end he would have been much better off. Abusing the secret and acting like Nimrod & seeking fleshly pleasures instead of doing Jehovah's will showed he wasn't a spiritual man. Perhaps if he read Jehovah's word & applied it Mathew 10.8 would have had more meaning for him. Cure the sick, raise up the dead, make lepers clean, expel demons. You received free, give free. But the allure of what the Masons offered must have been to difficult for him to resist and he turned his back on Jehovah, possibly under the allusion that certain things could be hidden from Jehovah Ecclesiastes 12 The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. For the true God will judge every deed, including every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad. He did leave the Masons in 1938 but I think the damage was already done. So just knowing the name Jehovah or reading the bible is only a small part of what's required for your worship to be acceptable to the father.
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