hatred in the middle east

  1. 10,034 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 17
    Having recently travelled in the Middle East, I now know that it is a hot bed of hate.

    Despite some commentators talking about a new Caliphate, the fact is that some Moslem sects loathe and detest each other. The main divide is between the Sunnis and the Shiites. Their hatreds go back many centuries into the tribal desert tribal system. I can't see that they will be healed any time soon.

    The leader of the Shiite camp is the paranoid police state Iran (I was there earlier this year so I know). There are Shiite communities in other countries - Iraq, some of the Gulf States etc.

    The Sunnis are headed by Saudi Arabia although the ruling elite are Wahabis, a very strict sect and a breeding ground for terroists. The Gulf States are ruled by Sunni majorities.

    Then there is the collective hatred of Israel. Of course Jews and Arabs are all semites but this is irrelevant under the current circumstances. Other elements of the mix are the way women, homosexuals and other religions are treated in many of the Moslem states.

    The Middle East will always present big problems for the world. It is a large producer of oil and is in a geographically strategic position to cause maximum damage to trade and peace.
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