have a read of this fellas...

  1. 5,609 Posts.
    Economics 101 captain Kev style..

    1] Borrow mega bucks and chuck it at unworkable wasteful projects.

    2] This helps drives interest rates through the now.. insulated roof. [higher than the need to be]

    3] Then get swan and a guy called Henry into a room and decide the best way to fix all this is tax the only industry in Australia that truly works to pay for it?

    4]This discourages employment, drives down super fund values, share prices, project values and drives investment offshore. [helpful if you want to see interest rates drop i guess? dah]

    5] Now Captain Kev decides to head his listing titanic to WA and talk to the mining industry after he melts the stock market by more than $25b? [more than he will raise from the tax]. When was the last time a PM managed to do this to our savings in less than 1 week?
    If anyone still remains confused.., then vote for Kev to see just how much fun he can have with your money in the future.

    I would ring Kev and discuss all this but he has disconnected by TELSTRA phone line. I am however fortunate to be able to keep myself warm by burning my TELSTRA share holdings.

    Kev is Van Helsing..
    [might already be toooo late for some]These guys have driven a stake into the heart of mining, super funds and investments. The mining industry will no doubt work towards getting this instrument of financial destruction pulled back into line. This won't help the short term market issues. We also managed to see yet another rate rise [stimulus/debt speeding related]for good measure. China is slowing down and this new tax is directly related to China still buying our resources at high prices. We also are seeing the Euro coming under even more pressure and players buying the US dollar. The rising US dollar will only harm the commodity prices. [go Kev, great timing on all fronts..not]

    toot toot splat

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