PRM 0.00% 0.4¢ prominence energy limited

Wasa .... PCL ...... "in my biased opinion of course".Wont touch...

  1. 7,486 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 515
    Wasa .... PCL ...... "in my biased opinion of course".

    Wont touch an oilspec unless the equation is right ie minimal downside risk which u can trade/reduce-eliminate on the ascending path + min 10 - 100 times upside on a decent hit based fundamentals. Entry points are probed on techno triggers with final 40% at the confirm break. And the macros have got to be good.

    PCL is the extreme sports play for this year IMO and I have already traded it to a freecarry core holding now aiting for the main event this year.

    SUR looks a much lessor risk / lessor reward play cos wanted another oil exposure and this was my chance to atone for the f### up with CVN earlier cos looks a similar evolutionary play.

    Coincidentally they also share a potential Med mammoth but will probably never be allowed to play it. That would be an extreme bonus if they got lucky with the authorities in the future.

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7 4600587 0.3¢

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0.4¢ 188727 2
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Last trade - 11.29am 30/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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