sas what yu want to know sasa
I have watched and traded EMM for a number of years. It's been a slow game, but at least by trading wisely, I've managed to stay cash flow neutral and have collected quite a packet of them now. I am not interested in buying more nor selling any so what I write is what I believe.
Like so many startup companies, EMM have had a few problems. Getting the mix right between management, staff and manufacture troubled them for years. Their overheads were too high for their sales, which hampered their sales department, hence the slow start.
But things have genuinely been going their way this last fifteen months. The De Nora tie up isn't actually fuelling this latest sales boost although their effect will be felt next year, and there after.
But by sheading their manufacturing facility, EMM can last longer on less, and devote more resources to sales.
The closed cell electro-winning design was first thought to be only applicable to tailing streams laden with metals. Harvesting the metal in the first cells was too slow for main stream refining. But, with the new design of cells that automatically harvest the metal, a new application has emerged, hence the Macmin and Mexico systems where base metals will be harvested from pregnant liquid. The horizon has been expanded.
Money wise, EMM are fairly furigle. if you examine their annual reports they have done an aweful lot on little money. Now the big boys are sniffing around, and the words getting out, I think this one will launch my yacht..
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Adam McKinnon
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