She (Jo Haylen) was not "elected" to misuse public funds, to misuse chauffeurs and claim expenses for private use of motor vehicles and to let down the public.
The fact that this ALP NSW MP could stay on as Member for Summer Hill is DISGUSTING, TREATS THE PEOPLE OF NSW LIKE MUGS and is UTTERLY INDEFENSIBLE. She should stop claiming the $172,576 as a gross miscarriage of public trust.Jo Haylen ‘driven out’, resigns from state ministry as use of taxpayer-funded chauffeurs claims scalp
Ms Haylen – who will remain MP for Summer Hill – announced her decision in a brief press conference in Sydney, where she read a resignation statement before making her exit without taking questions.
She admitted that “mistakes” were made. “I did not break the rules, but I acknowledge that that’s not the only test here … I’ve let the public down and I’m very sorry for that,” Ms Haylen said.
ROSE JACKSON SHOULD ALSO RESIGN FROM THE ALP NSW MINNS MINISTRY for enjoying some of this misuse of public funds.
The ALP might not win many in NSW when the people of NSW realise how the ALP NSW MPs have misused public funds in Albo's cost of living crisis.
The stuff ups from the ALP like Jo Haylen and Rose Jackson in NSW might wipe out the ALP NSW Federal Seats with the following are going to switch from ALP to LNP:
Bennelong(the Laxale scandal makes him unelectable, gentrifying towards LNP voters),
Gilmore(high interest rates, cost of living, tax, poor regional support from ALP, high crime),
Paterson(high interest rates, cost of living, tax, poor regional support from ALP, anti ALP resources ban vote),
Reid(Albo's cost of living, high interest rates hurt, housing crisis, pro family area, religious)
Parramatta(Albo's cost of living crisis hurts them, religious, anti immigration, MP out of touch, never seen),
Eden Monaro(Albo's cost of living crisis destroys them, poor polling due to socio economics, consider themselves servants to Canberran privileged),
Barton(gone thru ALP infighting between Left and Right candidates, cost of living crisis hurts),
Werriwa(Bad polling, useless MP, Albo's cost of living crisis hurts them),
Macquarie(Bad MP, Albo's cost of living crisis hurts them, poor polling, NSW Trainlink issue hurting),
MacArthur,(pro family, anti woke, cost of living, Freelander anti-Palestine, out of culture with electorate, poor MP)
Robertson(Sad MP, electorate dislikes ALP left/ Albo, Albo's cost of living crisis hurts them),
Dobell,(mortgage belt, Central Coast Council, Belinda Neal issues)
Whitlam(economic depression, out of touch chaffeur driven disliked MP)
Greenway(out of touch privileged Minister, poor Voice referendum result for ALP, cost of living hit, high interest rates impacted)
Richmond(high interest rates, cost of living, tax, poor regional support from ALP, ALP hospital problems state and federal),
MacMahon,(Blackout Bowen, cost of living, high crime),
Hunter(poor MP, cost of living crisis affected, poor regional support from ALP, anti ALP resources ban vote),
Chifley (muslim seat, annoyed with ALP immigration policy, ME war stance, anti Minns and Albo, high crime),
Newcastle (cost of living crisis impacted, anti ALP resources ban vote)
Blaxland, (muslim seat annoyed with ALP immigration policy, ME war stance, anti Minns and Albo, pro construction and property development Minister for Education as MP, poor performer, Bankstown ALP train issues leading to poor Federal polling)
Watson, (muslim seat annoyed with ALP immigration policy, ME war stance, anti Minns and Albo, Minister full of perks Burke never present)Kingsford-Smith (cosmopolitan inner city family seat gentrifying, high independent vote, poor junior Minister MP disliked in electorate, anti Minns, more pro Plibersek and Burke than Albo)