HC Poll - Do you believe it is right to allow people to discriminate on the basis of vaccination status?, page-55

  1. 37,605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    " It all smacks of a middle class attack on the working class, just like the scolding harrassing smokers. I smoke, I vote, I pay tax and I'm over self righteous clowns. Deal with it. "

    Hmmm. That's a pretty standard angry denialist type answer. Which is also totally wrong of course.

    I am genuinely interested in why people don't want to be vaccinated .

    I know people that I would consider otherwise quite sensible, ordinary, normal people that live just like the rest of us. Hence, I was pretty surprised when they refused to be vaccinated.

    So, I asked why. No loaded questions. I didn't bully them or make any particular assumptions.
    As someone that is always interested in learning, I genuinely thought that maybe they had researched it more or had some information that I did not.

    The result was that they did not have a valid reason at all. As I have posted previously, these people don't live a pure, healthy, organic life. They all regularly eat junk/processed food, are not anywhere near as fit and healthy as they should be etc. Some of them smoke cigarettes.

    So, I was confused. They claim that they don't want to " put the vaccine in their bodies " even though they are obese and smoke.

    The logic just doesn't stack up for me.

    Of course it was no coincidence that they got all their information from facebook. I asked which sites they were using as references and they were all unqualified blogs and the usual fake news sources.

    This isn't about classes. This isn't even about education levels. It's about basic logic and the need to protect the vulnerable in our communities.

    Lol. So, you're an angry smoker as well that is living in denial. That explains a lot.

    I used to smoke heavily. It took me years and a few goes to give up permanently. Non smokers don't realise how hard it is to give up. I gave up before restrictions were as hard as they are these days.
    I knew smoking wasn't good for me but it was still really hard to give it up. However, it was one of the best things that I have done in my life.

    Btw. If I was still smoking today, apart from the health issues, I would be spending between 25 and 30k a year on cigarettes. How do I know that ? Because one of my good mates still does. And he hates it when I remind him of it.

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