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Voltiare, sorry wasn't online for long yesterday. Cowan's early...

  1. 750 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    Voltiare, sorry wasn't online for long yesterday. Cowan's early work received a lot of criticism from readers due to its complexity.
    I dont think Brad from the SSI and Cowan get on. They were both at Dr Jerome Baumring's Seminars and Brad from the SSI has made some pretty harsh comments in the past which put me off from buying his books for some time.
    In "Wheels Within Wheels" Ferrera recommends Cowan's work, so that was reason enough for me to eventually take an interest. I have all his books (except his Gann reprints) and his software, but have really only given the books a quick read. They contain a huge amount of info, so really warrant some time to be studied carefully. Out of the many thousands of $ worth of books I've purchased they'd have to be the best value for money, but his early stuff might be a bit overwhelming for someone who hasn't looked at any cycle work before. I think it makes a good next step after studying Ferrera's cycle work. I think you'd find them very interesting.
    Cowan makes it very clear he doesnt provide any assistance with his books, only software issues. He says he's a very private person and wants to stay that way. Apparently he ran a blog a few years ago, but now only posts what you can see on his website.

    PS cheers Red, interesting stuff.
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