if someone found the HOLYGRAIL ,the goal posts would merely...

  1. 3,176 Posts.
    if someone found the HOLYGRAIL ,the goal posts would merely move. its the nature of the beast , its all percentages , charting isnt fallable and never will be ;
    although it does give some comfort and a few guide lines to go by . in the end its only our own judgement
    (gut feel ) although charts will give info and tell a story ( charting is a must have so is the original story im o )
    research is an invalueable tool in any investment form.
    for the stock mkt. i found that to read and understand a co strategy , as well as implications can give invaluable time lines to any co possible movements .
    ( know the story ) gossip :)
    ramping :(
    are important and can be of use in some circumstances
    everything has its place
    imo its all of the above which people need to use to make decisions in all markets whether they be up down or sideways

    that said im am not an advisor and merely a lucky punter ::))
    regards gaga

    luck to all in the coming yrs

    go the bulls ::)) ( got to be positve )
    although you need to be in both courts ,negative, positive and side ways
    bear/ bull tug of war or peace time
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