healthy ph levels and baking soda/maple syrup, page-11

  1. 13,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    i agree the sugar and binding is a red herring born incorrectly but in a do no harm way from the understanding that even cancer cells need fuel...sort of the stereotypical folk 2.4+2.6 must equal 4 yet all fractions are to be ignored throughout.

    My unresearched and bush doctor assumption is as follows...if bicarb is to work it will do it all by it's self in whatever fraction can make it into/influence the lymbic system. The blood cells are far too homeostaticly controlled for it to influence them without endangering ones life or total wellness.

    So the pathways are fewer and the chances slim to influence the local environment outside of directly the gastrointestinal tract anyway...but hey here we have started and will be logging our saliva for pH if the more serum like highways are susceptible to a ph change from this method then logically this will tell all or at least this fraction my folk opinion.
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