heard the lot now!, page-9

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    union stooge and fabian socialist gillard is just following the socialist playbook pavlov-dog style.

    Lies and deception are the normal tactics and massive social engineering and impoverishment of the captive population while wildly enriching your bosses and your ever widening network of cronies are the goals.

    The population is like a herd to cattle to be milked for profit continually and kept in line by suppression...

    gillard is just following the socialist playbook used and prefected by all great socialist leaders and role models from lenin to hitler to stalin to mao.

    It doesnt take a genius to know how these great socialist "experiments" all turned out...

    It does take a knowledge of history and the Orwellian goal of all socialists is to eliminate history where possible of all inconvient facts and re-write history where strategic and to the socialists advantage.

    That is one reason why soclialists always target the young people, they are far easier to indoctrinate, brainwash and dumb down.

    Some even would like to think that the education of younger people is improving rather than just the standards of measurement and assessment being continually eroded to give an illusion of improvement and hide the result of the dumbing down process behind a wall of questionable and faked statistics.

    Pity our children and grand-children under this oppressive, corrupt and dangerous socialist dictatorship to come...

    They are doomed to learn the harsh and deadly lessons of recent history and it will not be a pleasant experience...

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