PEN peninsula energy limited

Hearing, page-50

  1. 244 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    I said the other day, is this hearing as bad as we think. It certainly feels bad from my perspective, but u have to ask some simple questions.

    If, It was so bad, why is pen not being sold down?

    If, it was so bad, why are they working out ways to fast track production?

    It is so easy to think the worst of a situation.

    If my 4-5 years of trading stocks has taught me anything it's that if this hearing was bad for pen then it would already be factured into the value of pen. And I don't see that.

    I value both of your posts incredibly!

    I read them and then create my own thoughts.

    As as I feel others would do.

    So I encourage an open, robust, thought provoking even challenging dialogue between all who want to be involved.

    Let's talk about what matters.
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76.0¢ 79.0¢ 76.0¢ $447.9K 577.7K

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6 28671 77.5¢

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78.5¢ 4333 4
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