Brilliant - and oh, so true.How it reminds me of Rudd in 2007 -...

  1. 10,397 Posts.
    Brilliant - and oh, so true.

    How it reminds me of Rudd in 2007 - 'there's not a sliver of difference between John Howard and me" on economic issues, or 'I'm a social conservative" before breaking into a chorus of The Internationale. Let's not forget Gillard's memorable "There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead" [spoken in a Kath & Kim bogan accent I can't replicate here].

    Let's not forget the treasurer Wayne Duck, who calls tax hikes "savings". Even the threatened attack on super reported in today's Australian is described by the treasurer as "savings". Well, actually they're an increase in taxes someone has to pay.

    Poor Mr Duck either doesn't understand the difference between Revenue or Expenditure OR he does but figures his party's supporters are too stupid to know the difference. What do you think?
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